Harness Open Source Analytics in your business

Harness Open Source Analytics in your business

Small businesses have historically needed to pay high premiums for expensive proprietary software to produce the analytics necessary to compete with large enterprises.

My company offers database administration and analytics services at competitive rates to small businesses.

This post showcases a sample of automated analytics generated from structured data using open source software tools. These are some of the types of extracts I automated using expensive proprietary databasing and analytics tools.

The source data could originate from any structured data, including databases or text files.

Time Series

The time series graph below plots the performance of the business over an extended period of time. A second phase of investigation might uncover econometric relationships between the data points such as seasonality, correlations between the data points and overall trend.

3D Plot

The below graphic could represent the expenditure of a construction company with respect to month and budget category. The graph is animated to suggest how insights into the data set could be revealed.

The quality and efficiency of these data storage and analytics tools virtually eclipses proprietary tools. The data could originate from any source, from electromechanical to cell phone to privately compiled.

Please email me at shaundsmith@gmail.com to find out what services my company can offer you.

Shaun D. Smith (shaundsmith@gmail.com)

1 December 2015

(My <a href=”https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=AAIAAAXuRYABtiy16BUDmWz_hW8ZHYUdWD5PK6E&trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile“> LinkedIn </a> profile).

Indices and tables